Cancelled Event…

Very sadly, we’ve had to give in and cancel our Christmas Event. We always knew this was a risk, but wanted to try at least. The pandemic in some form is likely to go on for a while, and we need to learn and work out a way forward.

But for the record, I wanted to share the rough reasons as I understand them:

  • Cases are on the rise locally, in fact close to record in Cambridge overall, the winter timing is definitely a problem. This includes rising case numbers in schools and colleges where committee members and volunteers teach and have children.
  • The timing of the event is so close to Christmas that if PACT members or volunteers do get infected, they may not be able to see family at Christmas. 
  • Members of the events committee have dropped out due to covid concerns, including at least one who has dropped out of the meetings due to covid in her family – reducing us to 3 instead of 6+
  • A couple of volunteers for running the event have said they would help but not bring their own children – concerning us about attendance and risk as seen by others. 
  • Some volunteers do not have school-age children and would be exposed to risk from children – when they usually are not. 
  • Overall we’re uncomfortable about the risk we’re saying is reasonable. Despite our efforts to minimize risk by using the big hall, keeping doors open, avoiding an event that people need to stay for a long time at, etc.

So, fingers crossed for the future! / John, Chair, PACT