PACT is a community charity committed to fostering a sense of community in Petersfield and the surrounding areas. Over the years PACT has been involved in many local issues, campaigning for a dedicated community space and representing resident’s views on various developments.
We now work with Romsey Mill to run community events at the Mill Road Community Centre. It’s just off Mill Road, by the bridge – click here for directions.
For most events, we have a suggested donation of £2/person (£2/family for toddler group) to help us cover our costs, but this can always be declined if you need to, without fuss.
QUIZ NIGHT! | Get a team together and join us for quiz evenings on September 18th, October 16th & November 20th, from 7:30pm. Teams of up to five – reserve your space by emailing |
Coffee Mornings | Drop in every Tuesday, 10am-12. All welcome! Ring the bell, drop in and have a chat and a biscuit. |
Petersfield Pickles, our Toddler Group | Every Thursday 10am-12. The toddler group is thriving, drop in and enjoy play, crafts and a sing-along. Parents and carers welcome (a responsible adult must remain present with all children). Help clearing up and donations of cakes and snacks both very welcome! |
Krafty Kids | Our messy play sessions run on Fridays in term time, 10-11:20am, restarting every Friday in September from 6th. £3/child, for children from 18 months up |
Board Games Evening | The first Wednesday of each month, 7pm-9pm. September 4th, October 2nd, November 6th. It can look dark so do ring! Games available to try and always something new. Snacks and drinks too! Very informal, our Games Master brings along a set of games to try or bring your own. |
Craft Nights | 7pm-9pm, every 2nd Wednesday night. Have you got a craft project? Would you like to meet others who enjoy crafting? Bring along a project to our craft night and be inspired to finish it, while enjoying a cup of something and a cake or two. |

If you are inspired to get more involved in Petersfield why not join us? PACT is a membership charity open to all local residents. Or just join our mailing list, it’s the same form. You can also contact us if you have any questions or ideas. We’re always looking for more volunteers to continue to develop Petersfield and the surrounding areas into an active and thriving local community we can all enjoy being a part of.

PACT is a Charitable Incorporated Organization, charity registration no. 1193529.