The council has a Mill Road Depot consultation on 26th January. Chase a place if you’re interested! We may well hold a follow-up meeting to discuss where we might push for improvements, but raising flags at the official meeting is important!
email, or by
telephone, 01223 457942 to confirm your place
Mill Road Depot Site Supplementary Planning Document
Second Workshop – test and review of emerging proposals
26 January 2016, 5.30pm to 7.50pm at Bharat Bhavan (former Old Library) off Mill Road,
Cambridge, CB1 2AZ
Cambridge City Council has commissioned architecture and master-planning practice, Allies and Morrison to prepare a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Mill Road Depot. The purpose of the SPD is to supplement the emerging Cambridge Local Plan which provides a planning policy framework for the Mill Road Opportunity Area and proposes the allocation of the depot for new housing.
The workshop will take place on Tuesday 26 January from 5.30pm to 7.50pm at Bharat Bhavan (former Old Library) off Mill Road.
Following a first information gathering workshop in December, the consultant team has been developing options in more detail. The purpose of the second workshop is for the consultants to present a round-up of the feedback from the first workshop and the emerging principles and potential options for the Mill Road Depot site. Your views and opinions will be used to refine the material and inform the preparation of the draft SPD which would be subject to formal consultation in the Spring 2016.
Places are limited by venue capacity and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Please contact Anna McGinty at Cambridge City Council by email, or by telephone, 01223 457942 to confirm your place.