We have just received this about Sturton Street Methodist Church and Hall, and feel that it’s significant enough to share:
Hello, I have been involved with Sturton Street Church and Hall all of my life, in the early years as a member of the congregation, and for the past 28 years I have run my dance school at the premises. In addition, my father and I helped maintain the hall for many years until he became too frail. We heard a few weeks ago that the church are planning to close the buildings on August 30th and sell up. (This is very short notice, and there was no previous warning that this was about to happen.) As well as my dance classes there are also a range of other community groups who regularly meet and we will now all have to relocate or close, with the subsequent loss of these groups – dance, tango, toddler group, capoeira, etc – let alone the loss of the space of worship. We have set up an online petition – Change.org Sturton Street – and are meeting with others who wish to try and retain these vital community facilities in order to step up our campaign – possibly flyers etc…
The petition to keep this important part of our community is here: http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/methodist-church-circuit-cambridge-save-sturton-street-methodist-church-and-hall
We had a meeting last night with a few interested people and are hoping to do a bit of a burst of campaigning in the next couple of weeks, including a photo opportunity outside the premises on Saturday 31st May at 11.00am – we would like as many users of the facilities, people from the local community, and any interested parties to pop along if possible so that we can show how much this means to our community.