Dear All… As you know, the proposed Local Plan is attempting to slip a number of deeply concerning plans into what essentially will become law. Residents’ letters and emails about the most worrying of these local Local Plan intentions have succeeded in getting the attention of both our MP and the local press.
SO we’ve just heard from Cambridge News (CEN).
They’re sending a photographer for 5:30pm TOMORROW (Tuesday 10th), meeting at the Howard Mallett site, to take pictures of anyone concerned about those intentions. If you believe that the Howard Mallett site should not be carved up for office/residential development, or are concerned about other Local Plan intentions, then please please please join us there…
The more people we can muster for the photograph, the more powerful our message. The reverse is also true: if no-one turns up, the Council can simply shrug and dismiss our concerns and objections.
Please come. Bring your families, your friends, your neighbours, your colleagues, random strangers…
Aim for everyone to BE THERE BY 5:25pm …
Thank you. See you 5:25pm tomorrow?