- Monitored financial contributions from developers (S106 monies)
- Environmental improvements such as the Millennium Garden on Norfolk Street and Mosaics
- Gained (subsequently broken) promises of a new community centre in Abbey Street, then Harvest Way..
- Launched Friends of Mill Road Cemetery
- Launched Petersfield Streets for People
- Tried to protect trees and get more planted
- Fought to save St.Matthew’s Piece from commercial development
- Sought safety improvements to lighting, pavements and parking
- Secured improvements to public open space
- Obtained leisure facilities for young people (e.g. Youth Club)
- Hold public meetings (e.g. on crime, anti-social behaviour, local services, Community Right to Build)
- Campaigned on public transport issues e.g. Stagecoach fares and routes
- Established facilities for older people (e.g. Over 50s Club and Active Ageing Group)
- Sought better access to the former Howard Mallett Centre for young people
- Given advice on planning and licensing applications
- Put up and maintained two community noticeboards
- Researched into the history of St Matthew’s Piece and the Howard Mallett Centre
- Organise and hold annual public Summer Events with free food and drink donated by local businesses… attended by hundreds of people of all ages, creeds and colours every year, with dance and music as well as amazing tombolas and a Charity Auction to fundraise for a community centre.
How You Can Help PACT
We always welcome people
- At our events and public meetings
- On any of our working groups (see list of things PACT has been doing to see the range of available areas!)
- Who can help with distribution of our newsletters, invitations, fundraising, correspondence, administration, organisation…!